Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rest in peace, my friend

Even though I knew her days were few – and definitely hastened, I think, by Simon’s passing just 74 days ago- nothing could ever prepare me for the exact moment I had to say goodbye to my sweet Rooster friend. I wished so much that her passing could be like a breeze—that she’d be blessed to just fall asleep and never wake up but alas, she had greatly deteriorated and I found her this morning suffering, barely functioning and in terrible pain. I had to make the HARD choice to end her suffering but I knew it was the right thing for her. Squeeks passed away wrapped in a soft blanket and was held like a little baby in my arms. She was peaceful and quiet. I think she knew she was loved-- it was the best thing I could do for her and the last way I knew to show her how much I loved her. 15 years, 1 month and 3 days old. She taught me so much about life and love and patience and growing up. I got her when I was just 23 years old. She has been the one constant in my life since that happy July day. I hope she is somewhere right now running light and feeling free and happy- hopefully with Simon. 

I know she did have a great life here and I am glad to have been the one who got to give it to her. I felt robbed when I lost Simon and felt lucky to have had her as long as I balances. I'll still miss them both and will always feel fortunate they were my hysterical companions for as long as they were. I'm also real thankful we had the means to take care of them both through their many trials. We're all lucky. The tears are bittersweet. :)

I will always miss you, Rooster-roo!