Friday, January 6, 2012

On Being Proud

Let me take a moment to share a thought: if you have a dream, you chase that tiger by it's tail if indeed it is your dream. Otherwise, it will  haunt you- the 'could it have been?'.  I like the way that kind of rhymes a little, heh. But I am dead serious here.

I am thinking about my husband and a morning we shared at Muddy's Coffee Shop on Mississippi Avenue back in 2008. Matt was telling me how much he wanted to roast coffee and how, try as he might, he could not find the right company to roast for here in Portland. He said he wanted to try to do it himself but everyone told him it was such a bad idea- a stupid idea even. "Just go and get a job" they said. Well, he had a job and it wasn't his dream.

I'll never forget sitting across the table from him and staring deep into his serious, somewhat sad eyes.

"So what would it take?"  I asked.


"Well how much?"

I don't know- super grassroots, super small, ummm...Well, I did find a great machine for like $6K but I have no money for this. That's like all the money I have saved. It's too crazy to even think about. 

"Is it?  Do you think you'd lose money on it if you were to sell it? I mean, what if you tried it and gave it your best and despite all efforts it didn't work out and then you had to sell the roaster. Would you recoup your investment?"

Well, yeah. They don't lose their value- they are highly sought after. 

"Well then, what are you waiting for? It's like chasing a dream for free!"

Read this story about my husband's journey. I am very proud of this man. He has worked harder than any other person I have ever known.

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